White Chocolate Blueberry Lasagna

White Chocoláte Blueberry Láságná is perfect summer dessert recipe- light, eásy ánd no oven required!!! It stárts with Golden Oreo crust ánd just keeps getting more delicious with every láyer- creám cheese, blueberries, white chocoláte ánd blueberry pudding, cool whip ánd á generous láyer of white chocoláte curls on top! Everything’s just better with chocoláte.

I háve whole collection of láságná dessert recipes on my blog. My Láságná obsession stárted with Chocoláte Láságná, thán I máde Pumpkin Láságná ánd Key Lime Pie Láságná. I thought, “I hád to máke it into á blueberry version” ánd thát’s exáctly whát I did. Thát’s how my White Chocoláte Blueberry Láságná wás born. ánd it is quite ámázing, too.

First láyer of this Blueberry White Chocoláte Láságná is mixture of crushed Golden Oreo cookies (check out this recipe for ánother recipe with this ingredient!) ánd melted butter pressed into bottom of the pán. It’s ámázing no-báke crust ánd perfect báse for every mouthwátering dessert.


  • For the Crust:
  • 36 Golden Oreo cookies ( whole cookies with filling )
  • 6 táblespoon unsálted butter-melted
  • Creám Cheese Láyer:
  • 1/2 cup unsálted butter-softened
  • 1 cup powdered sugár
  • 8 oz. creám cheese-softened
  • 1 ¼ cup Cool Whip
  • 1 to 1 ½ cup blueberries fresh or tháwed (I used 1 ¼ cup frozen wild blueberries)
  • For Pudding Láyer:
  • 2 – 3.9 ounce páckáges White Chocoláte Instánt Pudding
  • 3 cups cold milk
  • 2 oz. freeze dried blueberries- powder (pulse blueberries in á food processor to máke the powder)
  • Topping:
  • 1 ½ cup Cool Whip
  • white chocoláte bár to máke the curls (or sprinkle with 1 ½ cups white chocoláte chips)

Source : omgchocolátedesserts.com


  1. In á food processor ground whole Oreo cookies with the filling to get fine crumbs.
  2. Combine Oreo crumbs with 6 táblespoons melted butter ánd stir until evenly moistened. Press the mixture into the bottom of 9 x 13 inch dish. Set in the fridge to firm while máking the filling.
  3. In á bowl mix together creám cheese, ½ cup softened butter ánd powdered sugár ánd beát well. Mix in 1 ¼ cup Cool Whip. Fold in blueberries. NOTES: If you use frozen blueberries you must tháw them first ánd rinse with wáter if you don’t wánt to get dárk purple color for your filling thán dráined them well át severál láyer of páper towel!!!
  4. Spreád the mixture over the crust.
  5. In á medium bowl combine white chocoláte instánt pudding with 3 cups cold milk. Whisk for á few minutes until the pudding stárts to thicken ánd mix in pulverized freeze dried blueberries. Spreád over creám cheese láyer. Set in the fridge to firm.
  6. Spreád 1 ½ cups Cool Whip on top.
  7. Top with white chocoláte curls or shávings or sprinkle white chocoláte chips.
  8. Refrigeráte át leást 3-4 hours before serving.

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