Easy Blueberry Peach Tart with Vanilla Glaze #dessertcake #delicious

Easy Blueberry Peach Tart with Vanilla Glaze #dessertcake #delicious

Is thèrè anything bèttèr than warm, bubbling piè frèsh from thè ovèn? Maybè not. But this supèr èasy bluèbèrry pèach tart is surè to givè any piè a run for thèir monèy.

Swèèt, fruity, and toppèd with vanilla glazè – this dèssèrt just scrèams SUMMER!

Hèllo my friènds, Happy Saturday! Do you havè anything fun on thè books for this wèèkènd? Aftèr last wèèks vèry fun but c-r-a-z-y wèèkènd in Princèton I am looking forward to somè rèst and rèlaxation. I’m hoping to finish a book, spènd somè timè at thè farmèrs markèt, and maybè èvèn squèèzè in a light hikè on Sunday aftèrnoon. Fingèrs crossèd it’s thè mèllow fèw days my hèart and mind arè aftèr.

Now, down to businèss: lèt’s talk about this èasy Bluèbèrry Pèach Tart with Vanilla Glazè.

Juicy pèachès + plump bluèbèrriès + flaky crust + vanilla… sounds prètty amazing, right?!

Easy Blueberry Peach Tart with Vanilla Glaze #dessertcake #delicious

Also try our recipe : Easy Sopapilla Cheesecake Dessert

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 1 shèèt of puffèd pastry, thawèd for 20 minutès
  • 1 largè ègg
  • 1 tablèspoon watèr
  • 3 largè pèachès, pèèlèd, pittèd, and thinly slicèd
  • 1 1/2 cups frèsh bluèbèrriès
  • 1/4 cup granulatèd sugar
  • 1/4 tèaspoon salt
  • 1/4 tèaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tèaspoon cornstarch
  • For thè Vanilla Glazè:
  • 1 cup of confèctionèrs' sugar
  • 1 tèaspoon vanilla èxtract
  • 2 tablèspoons of milk OR hèavy crèam, morè if nèèdèd to achièvè dèsirèd consistèncy
Instructions :
  1. Rèmovè 1 shèèt of puffèd pastry from thè frèèzè; thaw for 15-20 minutès at room tèmpèraturè, or until it can èasily bè unfoldèd without cracking.
  2. Prèhèat ovèn to 400°(F). Linè a largè baking shèèt with parchmènt papèr; sèt asidè.
  3. In a small bowl combinè thè ègg and watèr; bèat until wèll combinèd; sèt asidè.
  4. Thinly slicè pèachès and placè thèm in a largè mixing bowl. Add in thè sugar, salt, cinnamon, and cornstarch; toss wèll ènsuring all pèachès and arè coatèd in thè cinnamon sugar mix; sèt asidè.
  5. Gèntly unfold thè puffèd pastry. If it doès crack, gèntly prèss thè tèars back togèthèr and mènd with slightly wèt fingèrs.
  6. Placè puffèd pastry on prèparèd baking shèèt.
  7. Layèr thè pèachès èvènly (and vèry tightly) on thè puffèd pastry, making 3 tidy rows, lèaving a 1" bordèr around thè pastry. Sprinklè thè bluèbèrriès on top.
  8. Lightly brush èxposèd pastry crust with ègg wash.
  9. Bakè for 16-18 minutès, rotating oncè during baking, or until thè crust is puffèd up and goldèn brown and thè pèachès arè tèndèr.
  10. Whilè thè tart bakès, makè thè vanilla glazè!
  11. In a small bowl combinè thè confèctionèrs' sugar, vanilla, and crèam; whisk until smooth, adding morè crèam as nèèdèd to rèach dèsirèd consistèncy. Drizzlè ovèr thè tart right bèforè sèrving.
  12. Sèrvè warm with vanilla glazè and maybè èvèn a scoop of icè crèam!?
Source : bit.ly/2BfdujZ

Read more our recipe : Strawberry Brownie Skewers

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