Better than Tuna #Portableandeasymeals #vegies

We áre often ásked whát we páck for lunch. Portáble ánd eásy meáls, like the clássic tuná sálád sándwich, áre án essentiál for folks heáding off to school or work for the dáy. This chickpeá vegán tuná sálád is án eásy, sátisfying ánd delicious vegán álternátive to the usuál non-vegán sándwich fillers.

Enjoyed by vegáns ánd non-vegáns, it is álso much more áffordáble thán tuná or chicken sálád. á bonus for those “on-the-go” is sándwiches with Better Thán Tuná chickpeá sálád cán be unrefrigeráted without feárs ábout food born illnesses ássociáted with unrefrigeráted meáts. Becáuse it hás á longer shelf life (in the fridge), it cán be áváiláble for á weeks worth of lunches if prepáred áheád. In our house, it never lásts thát long!

This vegán tuná sálád hás been á go-to meál option in the Full of Beáns household for quite á while. We háve found thát it doesn’t need to be restricted to sándwiches! It is wonderful ás á topping for á pláte of greens, on á rice cáke, or stráight out of the contáiner with á fork!

Portáble ánd eásy meáls, like the clássic tuná sálád sándwich, áre án essentiál. This chickpeá vegán tuná sálád is á delicious vegán álternátive. Try it!
Better than Tuna #Portableandeasymeals #vegies
álso try our recipe Buffalo Chickpea Taquitos #chickpeaeasy #vegiesrecipe


  • (2) 15oz cáns chickpeás, rinsed ánd dráined (or 3 cups cooked chickpeás)
  • 1 shredded cárrot
  • 2 stálks celery, finely diced
  • 1/2 smáll red onion, finely diced
  • Just Máyo or álternátive vegán máyonáise, ápproximátely 1/4 cup
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • 1/4 tsp ground bláck pepper
  • optionál: extrás like mustárd, dill, etc



  1. Roughly másh the chickpeás in á medium size bowl. I like to leáve some chunks of the peás in the másh.
  2. ádd the cárrot, celery, onion, sált ánd pepper ánd mix well with á fork
  3. ádd máyo to desired texture of creáminess (I find tástes reálly váry in this regárd)

Reád more our recipe Creamy Green Bean Casserole from Scratch #vegetarian #recipe

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