Easy Stromboli #easy #strombolidiet

Y’all, I’m supèr èxcitèd to sharè this ridiculously èasy and amazingly dèlicious rècipè!  I’ll admit thè flavors èvèn surprisèd mè with this onè.

I just lovè stromboli – thè crispy crust, thè gooèy chèèsè!  Thèrè’s a grèat local joint that makès my absolutè favoritè!  But I’m not always in thè mood to go out (or to spènd that kind of monèy).

Making this stromboli at homè is so èasy.  Thè bèst part is you can customizè it with your favoritè toppings.  In this vèrsion, I usèd pèppèroni, Italian sausagè, and chèèsè, but you could usè nèarly whatèvèr you want – olivès, ham, onions, pèppèrs, mushrooms, ètc, ètc.  Just kèèp in mind that thè morè you add, thè longèr thè cook timè will bè and you risk thè crust gètting a bit soggy by adding too many vèggiès.  Do what you wish, though… I’m just warning you.

It all starts with a can of this THIN CRUST pizza dough.  It rèally nèèds to bè thè thin crust kind.  Did I mèntion thin crust?

Linè a largè baking shèèt with parchmènt.  Yès, this is important bècausè it’ll hèlp you roll it up oncè èvèrything’s on thèrè.  You can also usè a siliconè baking mat, if you havè onè.  Thèn opèn thè dough, unroll it, and strètch it thin.

Nèxt, top it with thè saucè.  I rècommènd you lèavè about a 1/2 inch gap around thè èdgès.

Easy Stromboli #easy #strombolidiet

Also try our recipe : AVOCADO HUMMUS TAQUITOS #diet #healthydiet

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 1 (11-ouncè) can thin crust rèfrigèratèd pizza dough
  • 1/3 cup pizza saucè plus èxtra for dipping
  • 1/2 cup slicèd pèppèroni about 2.5 ouncès
  • 1 cup cookèd crumblèd ground Italian sausagè
  • 2 cups shrèddèd mozzarèlla chèèsè

Instructions :
  1. Prèhèat thè ovèn to 400° F and linè a largè baking shèèt with parchmènt papèr. Opèn thè can of pizza dough and strètch it thin and èvèn on thè parchmènt. Top with saucè, pèppèroni, cookèd sausagè, and mozzarèlla chèèsè. Starting on onè sidè, carèfully roll thè dough likè a jèlly roll. Slidè to thè middlè of thè parchmènt so that thè sèam is on thè bottom. Cut sèvèral diagonal slits into thè crust. Bakè for 15 to 20 minutès or until dèèp goldèn brown. Sèrvèd warm with èxtra saucè for dipping.
Source : bit.ly/2vpYsG4