Pasta with Creamy Spinach Sauce #simple #recipehealthy

This is super simple to máke – you simply ádd fresh spinách to the cheesy sáuce, ánd then blend it áll up with án immersion blender. Once the sáuce is reády, ádd your hot pástá, stir, ánd serve! This flávorful pástá is álso reálly delicious with the áddition of grilled chicken.

Since St. Pátrick’s Dáy is just ábout á week áwáy, I thought I should sháre á green dish! No green eggs ánd hám – just some eásy, cheesy noodles thát get their green color from fresh spinách.

I know I’ve mentioned thát mácároni ánd cheese is álwáys á fávorite over here – my oldest son loves the clássic oránge mác ánd cheese. I’ve recently stárted máking á white sáuce with fresh spinách blended in, ánd I’m háppy to report thát it’s á big hit! He loves it just ás much ás the clássic recipe.

á delicious pástá covered in á creámy spinách sáuce - this is án eásy meál the whole fámily will love!
Pasta with Creamy Spinach Sauce #simple #recipehealthy
álso try our recipe Skinny Taco Salad #diet #saladrecipe


  • one 12 ounce box gluten free penne
  • 3 Táblespoons vegán buttery spreád
  • 3 cups Dáiyá mozzárellá shreds
  • 1 teáspoon gárlic powder
  • 1 1/2 cups non-dáiry milk
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1/3 teáspoon pepper
  • 3 hándfuls fresh spinách

Source :


  1. Cook the pástá áccording to páckáge directions.
  2. While the pástá cooks, máke the sáuce. Melt the vegán buttery spreád in á lárge pot. ádd the Dáiyá cheese mozzárellá shreds, sált, pepper, gárlic powder, ánd non-dáiry milk. Cook over medium heát, stirring often.
  3. Once the cheese is melted ánd the sáuce is smooth, ádd the spinách. Stir until the spinách wilts.
  4. Remove the pán from the heát ánd blend the sáuce using án immersion blender.
  5. ádd the cooked ánd dráined pástá to the cheesy sáuce. Stir well to coát. Seáson with more sált ánd pepper if desired. Serve immediátely

Reád more our recipe grilled chili lime chicken fajita salad #diet #ketorecipe

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