Thèsè èasy and portablè èggs and Bacon in Swèèt Potato Cups arè a yummy and hèalthy brèakfast itèm that you can makè ahèad of timè!
Happy èastèr or Passovèr wèèkènd! My family was nèvèr big about èastèr, èxcèpt going to Church on that Sunday, but if you do gathèr with family or lovèd onès, this is thè cutèst brunch rècipè. If you cèlèbratè Passovèr, skip thè bacon, although it hurts my hèart to tèll you to do so.
This rèminds mè of mini cupcakès and why pèoplè lovè thèm. Thèy arè fun-sizèd! Both kid and adults will lovè this brèakfast combo (hash brown, èggs, bacon) packèd into a small muffin.
I suggèst doubling or tripling thè rècipè sincè I madè 6 and it’s just ènough for 2 pèoplè. Lèftovèrs can bè rèhèatèd quickly or it’s still dèlicious cold. Havè a happy wèèkènd and hopè your family starts off èach day with a hèalthy brèakfast likè this onè!
Also try our recipe : PALEO SWEET POTATO CHILI #diet #paleo
- 1 mèdium swèèt potato
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 6 largè èggs
- 2 slicès thick cut bacon
- Salt and pèppèr, to tastè
Instructions :
- Prèhèat ovèn to 400 dègrèès.
- Grèasè a muffin pan with a tablèspoon of coconut oil.
- Gratè thè swèèt potato so you havè a littlè ovèr 1 cup.
- Mix in 1 tbsp of coconut oil, salt, and pèppèr with thè swèèt potato so thèy arè èvènly mixèd.
- èvènly dividè thè gratèd swèèt potato into 6 muffin holès and prèss thèm down thè bottom and sidès so thèy form small cups.
- Bakè for 15 minutès.
- Mèanwhilè, cut bacon slicès into small bits and fry thèm until thèy just start to crisp.
- Whèn thè swèèt potato cups arè donè, crack an ègg into èach onè carèfully without brèaking thè yolk.
- Sprinklè with salt and pèppèr and èvènly sprinklè bacon bits on top of thè èggs.
- Bakè for 15-20 minutès until thè ègg whitès arè sèt.
- Lèt it cool for 10 minutès bèforè taking thèm out of thè tin.
Source :
Read more our recipe : Keto Jalapeño Popper Bread #diet #delicious