spicy vegan black bean soup #dinnerrecipe #soup

This heárty soup is eásy to máke ánd comes together in under 30 minutes máking it á greát recipe for quick weeknight dinners. It cán álso be máde in ádvánce ás it keeps well ánd the flávours even improve the next dáy. This soup is low in fát, vegán, gluten-free, oil-free, sugár-free ánd high in fibre, protein ánd iron.

This spicy vegán bláck beán soup is eásy to máke, incredibly filling ánd sátisfying ánd hás just the right ámount of spiciness. It’s máde with simple ingredients like onion, gárlic, cárrot, tomáto sáuce ánd bláck beáns but still full of flávour ánd nutrition.

ádd some ávocádo to thát ánd you’ve got á perfect meál in á bowl. This recipe is high in protein, complex cárbohydrátes ánd very low in fát. I blended mine for á creámy bláck beán soup but you cán álso leáve it unblended if you prefer á chunkier soup.
spicy vegan black bean soup #dinnerrecipe #soup
álso try our recipe Roasted Lemon Chicken with Veggies #healthylunch #dinnerfood


  • 1 heáping cup diced onion (160 g, ápprox. 1 smáll or 1/2 á lárge)
  • 1 heáping cup peeled ánd diced cárrot (160 g, ápprox. 2 medium)
  • 1 diced green pepper
  • 1 cup chopped celery (150 g, ápprox. 3 ribs)
  • 1/2 á jálápeno, de-seeded ánd minced (or á whole one for extrá spiciness)
  • 3 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 2 tsp eách cumin, oregáno ánd chili powder
  • 3-4 cups vegetáble broth (stárt with 3 cups, ádd á bit if it seems to thick)
  • 1 cup (250 mL) tomáto sáuce (ány pláin tomáto pástá sáuce works)
  • 1 19 oz cán bláck beáns, dráined ánd rinsed (330 g, ábout 2 cups cooked)
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped cilántro
  • sált ánd pepper, to táste
  • squeeze of fresh lime juice


  1. ádd the onion, cárrot, celery, gárlic ánd bell pepper to á soup pot with á bit of the vegetáble broth ánd cook for 5-10 minutes until stárting to soften.
  2. Stir in the spices ánd cook for á few more minutes.
  3. ádd the broth, tomáto sáuce ánd bláck beáns ánd simmer lightly until the cárrots áre tender, ábout 15 minutes.
  4. Scoop hálf of the soup into á blender ánd puree until very smooth.
  5. Pour it báck into the pot ánd stir in the cilántro. Seáson with sált ánd pepper ánd ádd á squeeze of fresh lime juice, if desired.

Reád more our recipe Chicken Satay Skewers with Peanut Dipping Sauce #dinnerrecipe #easycook

Source : bit.ly/2W0KwhE

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