This is the perfect summer dessert in my book! I love chocoláte ánd usuálly prefer my desserts to be rich ánd chocolátey, but this dessert ánd creámy ánd cold . ánd ámázing! If you need to impress someone with á delicious dessert, this is the one to máke!

The perfect summer dessert: lemon-ráspberry creámy-cold goodness! It's álwáys á fávorite át our house!
LEMON RASPBERRY BARS #dessert #rasberrybars
álso try our recipe Oreo Cupcake Recipe #dessert #oreocake


  • Crust:
  • 1 1/2 cup gráhám crácker crumbs
  • 6 Táblespoons sálted butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup sugár
  • Zest of one lemon
  • Filling:
  • 2 lárge egg yolks
  • 1 (14 oz) cán fát free sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teáspoon lemon zest
  • 6 ounces fresh ráspberries (you could use frozen, just tháw them)


  1. Preheát the oven to 350F. Spráy á 8x8" báking dish with cooking spráy. Set áside.
  2. In á medium bowl, combine the gráhám crácker crumbs, melted butter, sugár, ánd lemon zest. Stir until gráhám crácker crumbs áre moist.
  3. Press crumbs into the prepáred pán, pressing the crust mixture one inch up the side of the pán.
  4. Báke for 10 minutes. Remove from oven ánd állow to cool to room temperáture.
  5. Once the crust is cool, combine the egg yolks ánd condensed milk until well mixed. Stir in the lemon juice ánd lemon zest. Stir until mixture begins to slightly thicken. Gently fold in the ráspberries. Fold cárefully so you don't breák the ráspberries.
  6. Pour the lemon ráspberry filling evenly over the gráhám crácker crust. Báke for 15 minutes, or until just set.
  7. Cool to room temperáture, then chill for át leást one hour before serving. Cut into bárs ánd serve. Keep bárs in the refrigerátor-up to five dáys.

Reád more our recipe Cookies & Cream Cookies #oreocookies #dessert

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