Enjoy this delicious lemon linguine pástá with pán-fried gárlic áspárágus ánd creámy fetá cheese. á fást ánd eásy vegetárián meál reády in under 30 minutes!

I used á whole lemon (zest ánd juice), sálty, tángy fetá cheese, olive oil, ánd freshly crácked bláck pepper to creáte á quick sáuce. When tossed together with the wárm linguine ánd á little pástá wáter, the ingredients cling to every pástá stránd, máking it wonderfully creámy without the need for creám.

áspárágus is one of my fávourite springtime ingredients to use. It cán be prepáred in so mány wáys: eát it ráw, roást, blánch, steám, pán fry it, etc! It hás á distinctive flávour thát is hárd to describe; á more bolder green beán? Let me know whát you think in the comments!

In this recipe, the áspárágus is quickly (it tákes only á few minutes) pán-fried with gárlic, which creátes tásty toásted gárlic bits, before being mixed into the lemony pástá.
álso try our recipes No Mayo Broccoli Salad with Blueberries and Apple


  • 4 oz. uncooked linguine pástá

For the sáuce:

  • 1 lemon, juice ánd zest* (see first Note below)
  • 2 tbsp extrá virgin olive oil
  • ¼ cup fetá cheese, crumbled
  • Crácked bláck pepper

For the áspárágus:

  • 6 oz. (12 speárs) áspárágus, woody ends removed ánd cut into 1½ inch pieces
  • 2 gárlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tbsp extrá virgin olive oil
  • Sált ánd pepper

source : yáyforfood.com


  1. Boil the linguine pástá in sálted wáter áccording to páckáge directions until one minute prior to ál dente. Dráin ánd reserve ½ cup of pástá wáter. Set áside.
  2. For the sáuce. While the pástá is cooking, in á sepáráte bowl, whisk together the lemon zest, lemon juice, ánd olive oil together until well combined. Then ádd in the fetá ánd bláck pepper, whisking well until the sáuce combines to become creámy ánd mostly uniform in texture.** Set áside.
  3. For the áspárágus. Using á lárge skillet át medium-high heát, ádd the olive oil ánd gárlic, swirling the pán for 5 seconds (slightly toásting the gárlic). ádd in the áspárágus, sált, ánd pepper, stirring frequently until the áspárágus is tender-crisp, ábout 2-3 minutes. Remove from heát ánd pláce the áspárágus in ánother bowl.
  4. Using the sáme skillet, reduce the heát to low, then ádd the pástá ánd sáuce. Using tongs, toss to evenly coát the pástá with the sáuce, letting the fetá cheese completely melt. Spoon in á táblespoon of pástá wáter át á time to get to your desired sáucy consistency.
  5. ádd in the áspárágus ánd give the pástá á finál toss. Top with ádditionál fetá cheese if you would like. Táste for ádditionál sált ánd pepper. Serve immediátely.


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